Today I went to my favorite Esthetician, Jen Taylor, and had a level one lactic peel with a brightening treatment to kick start my 12 week trial of Clinique's Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector. We have been discussing specific treatments for these spots and depending on how this over the counter experiment goes, I may or may not consider laser resurfacing treatments for the patches around my eyes. The experiment above will hopefully lighten the overall appearance of the spots all over my face.
So what is an age spot anyway? It is a patch of hyper pigmented skin caused by sun damage to the skin over the years. An age spot can also be referred to as a sun spot, liver spot or brown spot. According to the Mayo Clinic, "age spots develop when the extra melanin becomes "clumped" or is produced in higher concentrations than normal". Click on this melanin link above to learn more about it and to see a image of the layers of your skin.
How are age spots prevented? Sunscreen!! This is why it is so important to wear sunscreen on your face, neck and chest every day.
I will be documenting this experiment with pictures on Clinique's website: and on my blog. You can see for yourself whether or not this product can correct these spots.
Resources: The Mayo Clinic Website:
Can't wait to see how it goes!