Monday, October 25, 2010

Coffee: Benefits of Caffeine and Tips to Brew the Perfect Cup

Nothing begins until I have a cup of coffee in the morning. The smell of a freshly brewed pot is invigorating and can bring a smile to my face the minute it hits my olfactory bulb.

Coffee is like wine and there are undertones, nuances and flavor profiles that can be enjoyed one cup at a time. I drink my coffee black to taste the subtleties that each bean has to offer. Drinking it without additives allows for the true flavors to come through.

Benefits of Caffeine
Coffee has the perfect amount of caffeine to awake my senses, speed up my metabolism, and makes my workout better.  I work out longer and stronger after having a cup or two. It makes me more alert and stimulates my thought process making more productive on a day when I am less than awake. I feel refreshed, revived and productive. Studies also show that consumption can also lower risk of stroke and diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. (1) 

Tips to brew the perfect cup
  • Buy whole bean coffee: When you grind your beans yourself, it stays fresher longer and it tastes better.
  • Buy a Burr grinder: Did you know that the grind that you choose depends on the way in which your coffee is brewed? For a serious drinkers, the grind is critical. Obtaining the perfect size you taste all the subtleties the bean has to offer. 
  • Use a Carafe: Once your brew is complete, transfer your coffee into a carafe. Leaving the pot on the heat, changes the flavor and can burn your coffee.
  • As always, drink it fresh
Web MD. Neil Osterweil . Say it's so Joe: Potential benefits and drawbacks of coffee.

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