Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lose Inches in Weeks with Dustin Maher's "Got Core" DVD: Week 11 - Kimberlee's Results

I could not believe my eyes when I saw the results that Kim posted last week after 11 weeks of Dustin Maher's Got Core DVD. UN-BE-LEIV-ABLE! My jaw dropped.

I am a junkie for before and after shots so of course I showed everyone that I work with and it was clear that the program is legit.

The first photo was taken just before beginning the program, and the other one was taken about 2 weeks ago close to the end of week 9. Kim was even shocked! She said that she saw the greatest change in her jaw line, backs of her thighs, and mid section.

I can see the most definition and shape in her calves and thighs. The midsection is completely toned and you can tell that her body is toned form head to toe. I'm sold.

Plus, this was something that she only had to commit to 3 nights a week. AWESOME. I am feeling like a lump who needs to get a DVD. The good news is, there is one in each of the goodie bags!!! Yea!!
The program was designed with busy people and Mom's in mind and he explains the entire program so you will know what to do. There are 8 levels to the program (4 levels on each) and each workout is 15-18 minutes long focusing on the total body core training. You will need a 55-65mm stability ball and you can do this at home and Dustin includes a 7 day meal plan with recipes for you as well. Kim modified her diet slightly and followed each workout up with a 10 minute elliptical burst workout where she would sprint for one minute and walk for one minute.

She just finished her 11 week program (at level three) and here are the results:

Weight Loss? No, gained three pounds.
Inches Shed? Natural Waist: 1.5 inches
Low waist or what she calls the "muffin top zone": 4 inches
Butt: 1.5 inches
Upper Thigh: 2.5 inches EACH.

Sooooo....I could loose a few inches on my thighs before the holiday season that's for sure. Yes, Dustin, you win. $29.99 + S/h of $4.95 and no sales tax. There aren't that many in production so you may want to jump on that band wagon.

Kim, you are an inspiration to all!!

Here's where you get 'em:

Website: http://dustinmaherfitness.com/
CORE DVD: http://dustinmaherfitness.com/345-2/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dustinmaher

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