Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SFFAMA's Interview with Jacyn Siebert, Creator of Sugar Lips Lifestyle Tips

To My Readers, 

For the past year I have been fairly private keeping my name and face off of the blog for numerous reasons, the greatest being personal security. After giving it careful consideration, I decided to open up the lines of communication and share with you a few thoughts about who I am and my view points through the interview below. Many of you already know what I believe in just from reading the blog and hopefully you have found these tips and posts helpful, entertaining and most of all fun. I truly value the relationships that have blossomed as a result of becoming a blogger and I look forward to meeting more friends and creating new networks. 

As we wind down 2010 and gear up for a new year, I want to take a moment to share with you a recent interview that I had with Owen Geronimo, the founder of  San Francisco Fashion and Merchant's Alliance. I have already started creating my goals and business plan for 2011 and part of that involves becoming more of a presence in the SF fashion scene and becoming more involved with SFFAMA. Enjoy the interview below and as always, please feel free to contact me at anytime:

Jacyn Siebert

SFFAMA: Tell us about yourself and what you do.

  • Jacyn: My name is Jacyn Siebert, also known as Cyn Sugar, and I am the force behind Sugar Lips Lifestyle Tips. 

    I like to think of myself as an everyday girl in an everyday world. I am a friend, a mentor, a sister, a daughter, a grand-daughter, a girlfriend, an artist, a designer, a hostess, a cook, a beauty product and make-up lover, and of course a fashionista. I am passionate about eating well and making sure the children of our future are fed well and taught good eating habits from day one.

    I created the blog in Nov. of 2009 as a way to help women across the world increase their confidence one tip at a time.
    I have been committed to helping women look and feel better about themselves through education, dedication and action for the past fourteen years. By providing women with simple everyday tips, we can help increase their confidence, achieve their image goals, and have fun while doing it. My blog is a way to make this information accessible to all at their leisure.  

    It is critical that my tips and products are accessible, approachable, easy and fun. I have a variety of interests that include, food and wine, health and wellness, travel, fashion, sustainability, make-up tips, imaging tips and numerous other girlie topics. Now that doesn't mean that you need to be a "girlie girl" to take advantage of these tips; they are meant to be fun and helpful.
SFFAMA: Where do you see fashion and technology heading?

  • Jacyn: I believe that within a few years, everything will be virtual. We depend on our smart phones for everything and within a few years, shows, demos etc. will all be virtual. Of course there will still be some things that remain live including fashion week, fashion shows etc. but technology will make everything in absolute real time. Product launches and announcements will be documented as it's happening like we already see with the social networking. We will no longer have to wait for tomorrow's paper for today's news. We will have access to it the second it happens. 

    The downside to that is it will almost become information overload. How will we, as consumers and as marketers, control the amount of data that we have access to without becoming overwhelmed or viewing it as spam? What will be considered "front page news" when we are receiving feed of 68 tweets a minute? The fashion industry will have to create a social media strategy that reduces the overload and I feel that will be the greatest challenge ahead.

SFFAMA: Why is technology important in the fashion world?
  • Jacyn: Access and reach. Technology informs the consumer and directs them where and how to buy. Gone are the days of being a new designer who hasn't had that breaking moment. Today's technology gives anyone access to a world-wide audience who, with one click of a button, can see, hear and experience your product and in turn purchase without ever meeting you or knowing anything about you. Technology is also inexpensive compared to traditional advertising. A billboard or TV ads are EXTREMELY expensive and has a very limited reach with a small ROI. Today's technology, specifically social media, is very cost effective and has a broader consumer reach. 

SFFAMA: What tech gadget can’t you live without? What do you use it for?

  • Jacyn: My iPhone. What don't I use it for? I can take pictures, capture video, post to my blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. send emails, view websites, get directions, post my current location via satellite.
SFFAMA: What fashion item can’t you live without, and why?

  • Jacyn: Earrings. They can define one's personality. A well selected pair of earrings can take an outfit to the next level.

SFFAMA: Who do you think is the most influential personality in the fashion world, and why?

  • Jacyn: Coco Chanel. Her designs are timeless, classic and are continually an influence on the runways. She is everything every woman wants to be: sexy, timeless, classic and adored. She was a strong woman who created something out of nothing proving to the world that women are powerful, strategic and smart. She is an influence today tomorrow and for generations to come.  

SFFAMA: What is different about San Francisco fashion compared to other metropolitan cities?

  • Jacyn: I grew up near Chicago, lived near LA, spent time in Barcelona and Madrid, lived in Hawaii where the Japanese style and influence was strong, love NYC but the beauty about living in the Bay Area is that this community has it's own style. I feel that NYC fashion is extreme, harsh and strict. Madrid and Barcelona are traditional and modest, Japan is eccentric, and Chicago is conservative and reserved. SF is just right. People embrace individuality and personal beliefs and these aspects are reflected within their look. There is a strong sense of pride giving SF a "come as you are" approach that is welcoming and fun yet creative and energetic. We also aren't facing extreme weather changes and can be fashion forward all year round without a parka covering it all up. 

SFFAMA: What advice would you give to aspiring fashion entrepreneurs?

  • Jacyn: Do it. Whatever it is that you envision, it can be done. With technology today, you have access to everything so get creative. I challenge you to figure out how it can be done without monetary investment. Put your thoughts down on paper, write a business plan and get to work. Everything you do from here on out is a stepping-stone to your future. Make it happen by taking a new step everyday toward your goal. Good luck and keep posted...I love to hear about your journey.

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