Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Progress Report Week 7: Age Spots on 12 Week Trial

It has been seven weeks since I have started using Clinique's even better clinical age spot reducer and I have seen some dramatic improvements. I have used it consistently twice a day; once in the morning and once before I go to bed. The larger patches that were on my upper cheek bones have lightened but the spots directly below my eyes have not changed much. I did skip a few days while I was on vacation so my consistency I speak of is not THAT consistent. I also use sunscreen regularly but not everyday which is the key to the best results. You be the judge! I would love to hear from you.




1 comment:

  1. Hi! glat to see that it works! do you have a new update? I just started using this product yesterday and I am hoping that it can lighten my sun spots. Thanks for the input!
