Monday, August 2, 2010

Aluminum Free Deodorant: Options For Your Family

There have been numerous studies on various ingredients in our everyday beauty products that have been flagged as harmful. Some have been linked to different types of cancers while others are a hormone disruptors linked to birth defects. Are these products harmful? Is there conclusive evidence? I guess the real question is do you want to take that chance and more so, do you want to take that chance with your children?
Today's topic was inspired by a third grade teacher who had commented on the growth of the kids in her classroom. The kids are bigger and hitting puberty years before we had as children and they have really strong body odors; enough to make her gag sometimes. Girls are beginning their menstruating cycle in third grade...Is this a result of the added hormones in their food? Is it the pesticides on their food? Possibly, I am not sure and that is another topic for another day. The point is, they are going to be using deodorant and other self care products soon. How do you choose?

Consider for a moment your teenage daughter. She is just getting to the point where she needs to choose a underarm deodorant. You want her to feel comfortable and confident yet be protected from known toxins. I started researching different Aluminum free options and found that they range in price from about $4.00 to over $20. Now, I am not going to pay $20 for a deodorant and I have a feeling my readers won't either. We are in a recession and money is tight so I found a few budget friendly options. Here are a few Aluminum free deodorant options for you and your family.

Tom's Of Maine makes Sticks and crystals for about $5.50. You can find them at select Target stores or on their website: I tried the Apricot kind which smells amazing however, it made my skin breakout.

Alba Clear Enzyme Deodorant Stick in Aloe, Lavender or Tea Tree and priced around $6.00

The Healthy Deodorant by Lavanila Laboratories: This one is my favorite choice because it is free of other ingredients as well such as parabens, sulfates, phthalates, petro-chemicals and synthetic dyes. Sold at Sephora or on their website:

Anthony Logistics for Men: You can find this for the man in your life at Sephora. It is $14.00

Adidas has a variety of Aluminum free options (Adidas Cotton Tech) but they are really hard to find. I believe that they may be discontinued. You can still find them online through Amazon etc. They are sold by independent sellers so the prices range from $7.50 a tube to $52.00 for a multi-pack. 

Dermalogica Environmental Control $20

photo from 

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