Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Want To Reduce Belly Fat? Good Carb Bad Carb and How to Shred Pounds

With all of these fad diets and web promos claiming to help you shred pounds in days, how do you know what really works? The reality of it is, none of them work and they often make you fatter. It's changing a few things at a time; small changes that you can make everyday that will show big results.

It's as easy as this:
Stop eating white flour, white sugar, and white rice and you will lose belly fat.
Tried and true. You will notice a big difference within 4 weeks and you will feel more energetic.

Bad Carbs: Absorb quickly spiking your blood sugar making you feel "hungry" sooner.

White Rice
White Flour
White Sugar (I also cut out brown sugar)

Good Carbs: Absorb slowly into your system and provide fiber.
Whole Grains (whole wheat, whole oatmeal - not instant or quick oats, brown rice, quinoa)
Fruit (raw fruit not canned)

So you need a sweetener? DO NOT USE FAKE SUGAR PACKETS! Use Sugar In The Raw. I know, I know, it doesn't melt as fast in your coffee and really doesn't dissolve in iced tea. I have a solution. You can make simple syrup out of it and keep it on hand when you need it. All it is is equal parts sugar to water. Boil water on the stove top, turn off the heat and stir in the sugar. continue to stir until it dissolves. Let it cool and put in a container. Refrigerate. 

Sugar alternatives: 100% pure maple syrup or honey

Email me if you have any questions:

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